We offer our clients seamless methods of on-site, off-site, and off-shore project outsourcing options that not only free them to focus their internal IT efforts and resources, but also allow them to reap the benefits of:
Flexible resource deployment
Speed to market
24X7 availability
Financial savings
Using proven methodologies and coupled with successful project management, TechSoft, Inc highly experienced technical manpower provide the following:
Software Development and Maintenance Outsourcing
Selective Outsourcing
Application Development Projects
Proofs of concept
TechSoft, Inc. IT professionals are proficient in working with several technologies including E-Business, Data Warehousing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Web Site Design and Development, Client/Server Applications, and Legacy Applications. Technology Consultants has the capability to develop and deliver these services onsite and offsite as well as offshore facilities in India.